“Women will have achieved true equality when men share with them the responsibility of bringing up the next generation.”

Ruth Bader Ginsburg | Supreme Court Justice, Mom-Lawyer



MothersEsquire™ began in 2013, quietly and discreetly as a private Facebook group.  As our membership grew, it became clear that the MothersEsquire message spoke to many women in the legal community.  We are devoted to increasing the retention and promotion rates of women in the law, with particular emphasis on women with children.  Although our focus is on the unique challenges women lawyers face, our goal is to support all lawyers who are parents or caregivers, promote policies and practices that recognize and  accommodate attorneys' family needs, and provide resources to women navigating a challenging profession. Caregiving responsibilities still fall disproportionately on women's shoulders.  While our membership is focused on supporting women lawyers with children, we must support all parents in their caregiving roles if we truly want to achieve gender equity in the legal profession.

We hope MothersEsquire will be part of your support network. We offer useful content and resources to assist your pursuit of  both career and personal. By supporting each other, we will individually reach new heights in our profession, and collectively attain equal representation for women at the highest levels of the legal profession.     


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