No, I'm not the Court Reporter

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A law degree hangs on my wall; that piece of paper symbolizes the hard fought effort that went into being the first in my family to graduate from college, to then go on to earn a Masters Degree with honors, and to then - as a new mom- start law school, have a second baby mid-way through, and still finish in the top of my class. After such hard work, to be discounted and dismissed by others in our profession based on outdated gender stereotypes and assumptions about “women’s roles” can feel defeating.

And yet, we must have the self-determination to push through the kinds of microaggressions that Claire Parsons talks about in her recent blog post for Ms. JD ( Claire outlines five strategies for dealing with hurtful and stereotypical comments aimed at women lawyers, including our favorite - find your people, like us at MothersEsquire. (For mom lawyers, you can find us at and for anyone interested in our work, you can follow us @MothersEsquire on Twitter.)

I am grateful to Claire for her insight, and thankful to her membership and leadership in MothersEsquire. And, I am especially appreciative to know Claire in real life and to call her one of my classmates.

Read her full blog post here.