Look Mom! MothersEsquire Now Has 5000 Members

If anyone can understand how, given enough time and love and attention, something tiny can grow, it is mothers. This happens all the time. We see it in our families, in our careers, and in our lives. Yet, each time something new and powerful emerges from something that seems at first to be small or insignificant, it feels like a miracle.

And maybe it is. Last week, MothersEsquire added its 5,000th member to our private Facebook group. Sure, there are groups out there that are bigger, and we don’t plan on stopping our growth any time soon. But this is a milestone, so it makes sense to consider the progress we have made.

We started in 2013 as a small, private Facebook group for mom lawyers around the Louisville metro area. We didn’t have any grand plans for world domination or salvation. We just wanted some support and friendship as we navigated our careers and managed our families. We got that and so much more.

Who knew that the group would grow to span the United States and even attract international members? Who know we would be positioned to take the lead on advocacy issues to help women lawyers with things like breastfeeding accommodations or parental continuance policies in court? Who knew our members could help the public and law firm leaders better understand the challenges mom lawyers face with our blog series on Above the Law or our founder’s trailblazing children’s book My Mom the Lawyer?

None of us knew that, but we all know the magic that can happen when you find your people.  The magic is connection, sharing ideas and experiences, and support and that is exactly what MothersEsquire was founded to provide.

As we look to the future, we hope to grow and expand to provide even more resources and support to our members. We will continue our advocacy efforts to push for parental continuance policies in more jurisdictions. In September, we will also be launching the inaugural MothersEsquire conference in Louisville, “Unleashing the Power of Lawyer-Moms” to help members sharpen their skills and law firm leaders remove barriers for working parents.

MothersEsquire thanks its members, partners, and sponsors for their support over the years. We are proud of our growth thus far but remain steadfast in our commitment to improve the legal profession and the lives of working parents. Given enough time, attention, and love, the next miracle for us lawyer-moms will be bringing down the maternal wall.

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